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# Article Title Hits
1 Defined Short Cuts 4440
2 Built in Explain Plan 6175
3 Save and Load Trace Profiles Locally 3744
4 "Execute with Local File..." using Local Data 7029
5 Import Editor Data 4931
6 Regular Expression Find and Replace 4718
7 Format Section for C 4526
8 Secured Connections 6486
9 LextEdit Command Line Arguments 10422
10 Open Multiple Windows 3614
11 Custom Commands 6586
12 Component Lookup 5252
13 Command History 5428
14 Copy from the Grid 5433
15 InteliPromt 7814
16 Auto Execution 7076
17 LextEdit Overview 34041


LextEdit makes it easy to support your business needs, allowing you to get at the information you need in minutes. Whether you want quick, easy access to Trace information or robust development tools, LextEdit has the added functionality when you need it.